Work Program
AFS Phase III (FY24-FY28) Program
This program document makes the case for a third five‐year phase, starting May 2023,1 for the Regional Technical Assistance Center for Southern Africa. It highlights AFS member countries’ progress during Phase II and proposes priorities for Phase III, which aim to consolidate progress into sustainable outcomes and undertake new reforms for a strong and inclusive recovery from the COVID‐19 pandemic. It reflects feedback from beneficiaries2 of AFS Capacity Development (CD), external financial partners, and regional bodies. It benefited from Phase II’s mid‐term external evaluation completed in March 2022 and an assessment by AFS of its CD traction. The work program, developed in consultation with IMF’s functional departments, draws from surveillance and program discussions conducted by country teams with the authorities and is consistent with the African Department’s Medium‐Term Regional Strategy for Capacity Development. It reflects local realities, including political economy considerations that influence reform appetite and pace, and vulnerabilities to shocks such as climate. The program is consistent with the IMF’s strategy for Fragile and Conflict‐affected States3 (FCS) [approved in 2022]. The engagement strategy for phase III rests on the hybrid delivery model, with a view to improving quality and traction of services and reducing delivery cost.
AFS FY25Q3 CD Plan (November 2024-January 2025)
AFS FY25Q3 CD Plan (November 2024-January 2025)
Work Program
AFS Phase III (FY24-FY28) Program
This program document makes the case for a third five‐year phase, starting May 2023,1 for the Regional Technical Assistance Center for Southern Africa. It highlights AFS member countries’ progress during Phase II and proposes priorities for Phase III, which aim to consolidate progress into sustainable outcomes and undertake new reforms for a strong and inclusive recovery from the COVID‐19 pandemic. It reflects feedback from beneficiaries2 of AFS Capacity Development (CD), external financial partners, and regional bodies. It benefited from Phase II’s mid‐term external evaluation completed in March 2022 and an assessment by AFS of its CD traction. The work program, developed in consultation with IMF’s functional departments, draws from surveillance and program discussions conducted by country teams with the authorities and is consistent with the African Department’s Medium‐Term Regional Strategy for Capacity Development. It reflects local realities, including political economy considerations that influence reform appetite and pace, and vulnerabilities to shocks such as climate. The program is consistent with the IMF’s strategy for Fragile and Conflict‐affected States3 (FCS) [approved in 2022]. The engagement strategy for phase III rests on the hybrid delivery model, with a view to improving quality and traction of services and reducing delivery cost.
AFS June 2023 Steering Committee Report
AFRITAC South Steering Committee Report FY23
AFS FY25Q3 CD Plan (November 2024-January 2025)
AFS FY25Q3 CD Plan (November 2024-January 2025)
AFS FY25Q2 CD Plan (August-October 2024)
AFS FY25Q2 CD Plan (August-October 2024)
AFS FY25Q1 CD Plan (May-July 2024)
AFS FY25Q1 CD Plan (May-July 2024)
AFS FY24Q4 CD Plan (February-April 2024)
AFS FY24Q4 CD Plan (Nov 2023-January 2024)
AFS FY24Q3 CD Plan (Nov 2023-January 2024)
AFS FY24Q3 CD Plan (Nov 2023-January 2024)
AFS FY24Q2 CD Plan (August-October 2023)
AFS FY24Q2 CD Plan (August-October 2023)
AFS FY24Q1 CD Plan (May-July 2023)
AFRITAC South FY24Q1 CD Plan (May-July 2023)