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Sukhwinder Singh

Position: Center Director

Prior to Joining AFRITAC South and Africa Training Institute, Mr. Sukhwinder Singh was an Advisor in the African Department of the IMF. He has worked at the Fund for 24 years. He was the first Director of the IMF’s South Asia Regional Training and Technical Assistance Center (SARTTAC) which he helped set up in New Delhi from 2016-2020. During his Fund career he has worked in the Strategy, Policy and Review, Asia and Pacific, and African Departments. During this time, he served as IMF resident representative in Nepal and in Ethiopia, and mission chief to Chad, Cape Verde, and Sierra Leone. He was also Director of IMF East AFRITAC in Tanzania from 2013-2016. He has served as Assistant to Antoinette Sayeh, currently Deputy Managing Director of the IMF. Prior to joining the IMF, Mr. Singh worked at the Bank of England, was an Overseas Development Institute fellow at the Bank of Guyana, and worked at the Canadian International Development Agency. He is a national of the UK.

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Elka Atanasova

Position: Real Sector Statistics Advisor

Elka Atanasova joined the IMF AFRITAC SOUTH team as a Real Sector Statistics Advisor on March 29, 2021. Before joining AFS, she worked for over 20 years in the National statistical Institute of Bulgaria. Her experience is in ralation to Macro-economic statistics mainly in the field of National Accounts production. She holds a Master’s degree in Economics from the University of national and world economy, Bulgaria and Doctor’s degree in statistics and demography frm the Academy of economics D.A.Tsenov, Bulgaria.

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Dale Connock

Position: Advisor

Dale Connock is a Financial Markets expert, having spent more than 40 years in the banking and financial services industry in general. Dale possesses formidable experience in the risk, legal, and governance sectors. After spending many years in Commercial Banking, Dale spent 20 years as the Chief Risk Officer at the primary Central Securities Depository in South Africa. He has been actively involved with the International Monetary Fund (as a Short Term Expert on a number of engagements since 2014), the American Central Securities Depository Association (ACSDA) and the Africa and Middle East Depository Association (AMEDA). He has also worked with the World Bank and the Macroeconomic and Financial Management Institute of Eastern and Southern Africa (MEFMI) in training and capacity-building initiatives across Africa. This deep and varied experience has given him a thorough understanding of the broad financial sector, locally, regionally, and internationally. Dale has been consulting nationally and internationally since 2021

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Della Valle Guido

Position: Monetary and Foreign Exchange Market Operations Advisor

After an initial experience as trader in London, Guido Della Valle joined the ECB in 2000 where he first contributed to the development of the foreign reserve management framework and then was in charge of the team for liquidity management and monetary policy implementation. In this capacity, Mr. Della Valle led the refinement of the ECB monetary policy implementation, liquidity management, and central banks’ liquidity lines frameworks and the design of several monetary policy instruments and operations. From January 2016 until August 2018 Mr. Della Valle was a IMF advisor to the Governor of Bank of Albania on monetary policy design and implementation; from August 2018 to September 2020 he continued working for the IMF as short term expert on over 20 Technical Assistance missions on monetary policy design and implementation, design of open market operations, FX policy and operations, and government securities market development.

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Xavier Deville

Position: Government Finance Statistics (GFS) and Public Sector Debt Statistics (PSDS) Advisor

Xavier Deville, a Belgian national, has over 10 years’ experience in government finance statistics (GFS), public sector debt statistics (PSDS) and other macroeconomic statistics. He worked as a compiler at the National Bank of Belgium and was a short-term expert (STX) for the IMF. Between 2017 and 2020, Xavier was a staff economist in the Statistics Department’s Government Finance Division of the IMF in Washington, DC. In that capacity, he backstopped the GFS regional advisors in Afritac West and Afritac Central. As an STX and as a staff, Xavier conducted many capacity building missions (both technical assistance and training) in various countries in English and French (his mother tongue). Xavier holds a Master’s degree in Economics from the University of Namur, Belgium

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Moulay El Omari

Position: Public Financial Management Advisor

El Omari, Moulay Abderrahmane, a national of Morocco, joined AFS as Public Financial Management Advisor (PFM) in June 2019. Prior to joining AFS, he has worked for IMF’s FAD as a STX and as an LTX (in single country and in CARTAC) for almost 7 years. He brings over 21 years of experience, including 14 years in the Ministry of Economy and Finance of Morocco, where he had held different senior positions, and had actively contributed in public finance reforms implementation. His background as chief-engineer in FMIS combined with his long experience in PFM gave him a dual competence in PF reforms implementation. He also holds many certificates with IMF and CIPFA (the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy - London) in PFM, Macroeconomics, IPSAS

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Raphael Kamoto

Position: Tax Administration Advisor

Raphael Kamoto, a national of Malawi, has been the Resident Tax Administration Advisor for AFRITAC South since 1 September 2021.Prior to that, Mr. Kamoto was Director for Strategic Partnerships, Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation at the African Tax Administration Forum (ATAF). He also held a number of positions in Malawi. Notably, he was Commissioner General of Malawi Revenue Authority; Chief Executive Officer of Malawi Energy Regulatory Authority; General Manager of Petroleum Control Commission and General Manager of Grain and Milling Company. Mr. Kamoto, a chartered accountant, has more than 37 years of experience in tax administration reforms, and tax policy; strategic management; energy policy, regulation, and administration; auditing; financial management; general management and international relations.

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Tiviniton Makuve

Position: Public Debt Management Advisor

Tiviniton is a Zimbabwean national with over 10 years’ experience in sovereign debt management as both practitioner and advisor. From 2014 to 2022, he worked at the Macroeconomic and Financial Management Institute of Eastern and Southern Africa (MEFMI), responsible for planning and coordinating the implementation of capacity building programmes aimed at enhancing sovereign debt and asset management practices of 14 member countries. His main areas of focus were debt transparency, strategy formulation, debt sustainability analysis, bond markets and reserves management. Prior to this role, he worked for the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe. Tiviniton holds a Masters’ Degree in Economics from the University of Zimbabwe and is an Accredited Fellow (in sovereign debt management) of the MEFMI Institute.

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Stephen John Mendes

Position: Customs Administration Advisor

Stephen Mendes was born in Jamaica but emigrated to the UK as a child. He worked as an operational customs officer in the UK, first in uniform and later as an investigator. Since 1997 he has worked internationally in both advisory and executive capacities. His experience includes Latvia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, India, Ukraine and Mauritius, where he was Director of Customs. He was the Customs Administration Advisor for AFRITAC South from 2011 to 2015 when he moved to CARTAC in Barbados. He has an MSc in Development Management, a Masters in International Revenue Administration and a Post Graduate Certificate in Program Evaluation.

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Anna Obiang

Position: Regional Public Debt Management Advisor

Ms. Ana Obiang Ndong is a public debt management (PDM) Regional Legal Advisor of the Fiscal and Financial Law Division of the IMF’s Legal Department (LEGFF) in charge of selected countries in Africa, Middle East, Central Asia, South Asia, and Pacific regions, as well as fragile and conflict-affected states outside those regions. Ms. Obiang Ndong joined ATI/AFS after working with LEGFF PFM/PDM team since 2015 alternatively as staff and as STX. Prior to that Ms. Obiang Ndong worked at the Ministry of Finance and Budget in the Republic of Equatorial Guinea, where she was employed as Director General in charge of Financial and Economic International Organizations. Previously Ms. Obiang Ndong has held the position of Legal Advisor at the Ministry of Mines, Industry and Energy, and at the Equatorial Guinea’s National Electricity Company (SEGESA) both in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea. She has been appointed Member of the Board of Directors of the Bank of Central Africa States (BEAC) for Equatorial Guinea and Member of the National Commission for the Implementation of the Constitutional Reform, both in Equatorial Guinea. Ms. Obiang Ndong is admitted to practice law in Italy, where she previously worked as a Private Lawyer in Pisa, and as Vice-Public Prosecutor for the Procura Generale Tribunale di Lucca, in Lucca, Italy. Ms. Obiang Ndong received her Jurisprudence Specialization Post-Graduate Diploma and her Masters Law Degree from the Universita’ degli Studi di Pisa, Italy.

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Patrick Rafolisy

Position: Governance and Anti-Corruption Advisor

Patrick Rafolisy, a national of Madagascar, is an anti-corruption expert with over twenty years' experience in the legal sector. In the Office of the President of Madagascar, Patrick has successively served as Executive Secretary of the Comité pour la Sauvegarde de l'Intégrité (CSI), responsible for the integrity component of Madagascar's national good governance programme, and of the Conseil Supérieur de Lutte Contre la Corruption (CSLCC), mandated to design and implement Madagascar's anti-corruption programme. In this role, he was specifically tasked with supporting the judicial reform process and developing the anti-money laundering system. Patrick's previous experience was in the Malagasy judiciary, where he served in various judicial positions, including as the founding Secretary General of the High Council of the Judiciary (CSM) in its current format. Prior to joining AFRITAC South, Patrick worked in several anti-corruption and legal projects and consultancies in over 20 countries. Previously, he led the anti-corruption component of the USAID Mali Justice Program, worked as anti-corruption specialist for the International Development Law Organisation (IDLO) and was the Head of the Africa Office of the UK NGO Integrity Action (formerly known as Tiri) in its Nairobi office. He holds a Doctorate in Private Law and Criminal Sciences from the Université de Limoges, and an M.S. in International and European Law of Economic Relations from the Université de Nanterre, France.

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Benjamin Alexander Stefanou

Position: Financial Sector Supervision Advisor

Benjamin Stefanou is the Financial Sector Supervision Advisor for the IMF’s Capacity Development Centre for Southern Africa (AFRITAC South - AFS) based in Mauritius, with responsibility for delivering the IMF’s financial sector supervision capacity development for AFS member countries. Prior to joining AFS, Benjamin spent four years with the IMF’s capacity development center in the Pacific and three years as the IMF Banking Supervision Advisor for the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank. In the last 10 years with the IMF, Benjamin has worked directly with prudential supervision authorities in over 30 countries. Prior to joining the IMF Benjamin worked in commercial banking in Australia and with the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority in banking, insurance and superannuation supervision.

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Amitabh Tripathi

Position: Public Financial Management Advisor

Amitabh Tripathi joined AFRITAC South as Advisor in November 2022. He has over twenty-five years of international PFM experience working with national governments and multilateral organizations. He has worked in different capacities in the Ministry of Finance in the area of budget preparation, execution, financial reporting, and internal audit in India. Amitabh has worked as a resident advisor with the IMF’s East AFRITAC supporting member countries in developing PFM reform strategies; legal frameworks; treasury and cash management; financial reporting and fiscal risk management. As PFM Advisor in the Ministry of Finance, Liberia, he provided technical assistance and delivered financial management capacity building programs.

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Doorgesh (Yuvin) Chundunsing

Position: Office Manager

Mr. Yuvin Chundunsing joined AFRITAC South in 2011 as Office Manager. He is a Fellow Certified Chartered Accountants (FCCA) and holds an LLB degree (with University of London). Prior joining AFRITAC South, he has got some 20 years’ experience in general finance and management, accounting, auditing, tax planning and legal issues, working in private sector covering various sectors ranging from communication, offshore and hotel industry among others.

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Dovindutt (Navin) Baichoo

Position: Economist

Dovindutt Baichoo Joined AFRITAC South in October 2013 as Economist. He previously worked at the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development, Mauritius, as lead analyst and has significant experience in macroeconomic and fiscal policy, public financial management, debt management and Government Finance Statistics (GFS). During his career at the Ministry, he also served as Director of various corporate bodies in the financial services sector.

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Ashwin Kumar Madhou

Position: Economist Analyst

Ashwin Madhou joined AFRITAC South as an Economist Analyst in July 2021. He was previously an Economist at the Bank of Mauritius for almost 8 years, where he developed extensive experience in monetary policy, forecasting and applied economic research. In the past, he has worked at the State Revenue Office in Australia and held academic positions in Singapore, Malaysia, Australia and Mauritius. He has published in peer-reviewed journals such as Applied Economics, Open Economies Review and Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies. He holds a PhD in Economics from Australia.

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Ayesha Aumeeruddy

Position: Results-Based Management (RBM) Projects Officer

Ayesha Aumeeruddy joined AFRITAC SOUTH as Results-Based Management (RBM) Projects Officer in September 2023. Prior to that, she was a Project Assistant at the United Nations Development Programme for five years, where she worked on the GCF ‘Accelerating the transformational shift to a low-carbon economy in the Republic of Mauritius’ and the AF ‘Restoring marine ecosystem services by rehabilitating coral reefs to meet a changing climate future’ projects. Before joining UNDP, Ms. Aumeeruddy held the post of Assistant Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Social Security and National Solidarity in Mauritius.

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Jeeten Kawal

Position: Administrative Assistant

Mr. Kawal joined AFS in June 2015. Prior, to 2015 this, he has worked for the Mauritius Revenue Authority, the Police Department, the Prime Minister’s Office and the Tertiary Education Commission in Mauritius. Mr. Kawal is holder of the British Computer Society’s Professional Graduate Diploma, BSc HRM and a Master’s degree in HRM.

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Varsha Lowtoo-Jadunundon

Position: Administrative Assistant

Ms. Varsha Lowtoo-Jadunundon joined the center in July 2011 as Administrative Assistant. She was previously working as Sales Representative for a telecommunication company. Varsha holds a MBA from the University of Mauritius.

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Kumaribye (Nandini) Mohit

Position: Senior Administrative Assistant

Kumaribye (Nandini) Mohit – Finance and Administrative Assistant at AFS since 2011. Formerly employed at Standard Bank Mauritius and has extensive experience in banking, logistic, administration, accounting and marketing in addition to volunteering. Holder of a Bachelor and a Master Degree in Business Administration and also pursuing her ACCA studies.

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Diya Mungra

Position: Administrative Assistant

Ms. Diya Mungra joined AFRITAC South as Administrative Assistant in July 2011. Prior to joining AFRITAC South, Ms. Mungra had worked at the United Nations and at Deutsche Bank. She has also worked in the public sector in various ministries and departments.

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Reyaz Uddin Najurally

Position: Driver

Mr. Najurally joined AFS in September 2023 as Driver. Prior to joining, he worked in the Hospitality Industry.