Guido Della Valle

Passsport Photo Guido.JPG

Monetary and Foreign Exchange Market Operations

After an initial experience as trader in London, Guido Della Valle joined the ECB in 2000 where he first contributed to the development of the foreign reserve management framework and then was in charge of the team for liquidity management and monetary policy implementation. In this capacity, Mr. Della Valle led the refinement of the ECB monetary policy implementation, liquidity management, and central banks’ liquidity lines frameworks and the design of several monetary policy instruments and operations.

From January 2016 until August 2018 Mr. Della Valle was a IMF advisor to the Governor of Bank of Albania on monetary policy design and implementation; from August 2018 to September 2020 he continued working for the IMF as short term expert on over 20 Technical Assistance missions on monetary policy design and implementation, design of open market operations, FX policy and operations, and government securities market development.