About Us

The Regional Capacity Development Center for Southern Africa (AFRITAC South – AFS) is a collaborative effort of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), 13 beneficiary countries, and several development partners aimed at providing technical assistance, training, and peer learning opportunities in core areas –including, public financial management, tax and customs administration, banking supervision and regulation, monetary policy and FX market operations, financial market infrastructure and fintech, real sector statistics, financial and fiscal law, AML/CFT and governance and anti-corruption. AFS CD remains closely linked to priority global topics -climate, governance, digitalization, and gender inclusion –and to the regional agendas of member countries. The key beneficiaries are finance ministries, central banks, revenue authorities, and statistical agencies. 

The mandate of AFS is to provide capacity-building assistance, facilitate the reform process in member countries, and support regional integration. As a regional center, which is close to the countries it serves, AFS offers several advantages including: (a) decentralized and better tailored delivery of TA to the particular needs of the region; (b) enhanced country ownership and accountability; (c) quicker and more efficient response to TA requests; (d) closer coordination with other TA providers in the region; and (e) more focused subject-specific and hands-on training for government officials.

AFS is governed by a Steering Committee composed of representatives of AFS countries and external development partners. The committee reviews the center’s annual reports, and endorses annual work plans and priorities. The center, which in August 2017 started its second phase of operations, has adopted a results-oriented approach to planning and managing its activities.

Staffing of AFS reflects member countries’ TA needs, with the composition of the team of resident experts being tailored to the priorities of participating countries. The center is supervised by a coordinator. At present, the center has ten long-term resident advisors in the following areas: revenue administration, public financial management, macroeconomic statistics, banking supervision, and monetary policy and operations. The work of long-term resident advisors is supplemented by short-term experts. The center also employs two local economists and seven administrative and support staff.

AFS Fact Sheet

Our Staff


Sukhwinder Singh Center Director

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Elka Atanasova Advisor Real Sector Statistics
Trish Ndaizivei Chiinze Trish Ndaizivei Chiinze Advisor Public Financial Management
Anrich Daseman Anrich Daseman Advisor Financial Market Infrastructures and FinTech

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Guido Della Valle Advisor Monetary and Foreign Exchange Market Operations
De Santis Yves Noel De Santis Yves Noel Advisor Tax Administration

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Deville Xavier Advisor Government Finance Statistics (GFS) and Public Sector Debt Statistics (PSDS)
User-added image Moulay El Omari Advisor Public Financial Management
Raphael Kamoto Raphael Kamoto Advisor Tax Administration

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Tiviniton Makuve Advisor Public Debt Management

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Stephen Mendes Advisor Customs Administration

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Rebecca Obare Advisor Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism(AML/CFT)

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Patrick Rafolisy Advisor Governance and Anti-Corruption

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Benjamin Alexander Stefanou Advisor Financial Sector Supervision

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Amitabh Tripathi Advisor Public Financial Management

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Ashwin Kumar Madhou Economist Analyst
Jeeten Kawal Jeeten Kawal Administrative Assistant

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Ayesha Aumeeruddy Results-Based Management (RBM) Projects Officer
Varsha Lowtoo-Jadunundon Varsha Lowtoo-Jadunundon Administrative Assistant

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Kumaribye (Nandini) Mohit Senior Administrative Assistant
Diya Mungra Diya Mungra Administrative Assistant